In order to qualify as an applicant for any of the Awards listed above,
the company must meet the following requirements:
- The company is duly incorporated in Malaysia in accordance with the Companies Act 2016. [Please note that a company registered under the Companies Act 1965 is deemed to have been registered under the Companies Act 2016];
- For a group of companies* (“the Group”), only those companies incorporated in Malaysia in accordance with the Companies Act 2016 are eligible to apply either individually or as a Proforma Group.
- Must submit audited financial statements for the past three (3) consecutive financial years.
- Entries can be for projects that are ongoing or completed between July 2023 - December 2024. However, the project will only be judged based on impact made between January 2024 - December 2024.
- The organisation must not be bankrupt, and does not have any legal suit / reputation that impairs the image of this award program.
- The organisation must provide regulatory or acknowledgement documentation for presented initiatives (i.e., government engagement and acknowledgement letters, news clippings, media articles, etc.)
Note: *group of companies ("the Group") refers to a holding company (incorporated in Malaysia in accordance with the Companies Act 2016) and its subsidiary companies as defined in the Company Act 2016.